Since we’re 1/3 of the way through this illustrative guide to the hero’s journey, let’s run through a short recap!
You’ve been stuck in the ordinary world (Stage 1), you’ve heard the call to adventure (Stage 2), suddenly fear strikes and you’ve refused that call (Stage 3) only to have a mentor show up (Stage 4) to guide you over the first threshold.
The entirety of the first four stages are set up to get you to the first threshold. This is the point of no return where you must cross over.
We hear the expression “crossing over” quite often but what does it really mean?
There are critical points in our lives when we decide to do something and take an action — move to a new City, start dating someone exclusively, take a new job, quit a job and start a new business, the list is endless.
In the hero’s journey paradigm, this decision follows the call to adventure, the refusal and then boom!, you take an action and everything changes. You’ve started to cross over.
Crossing over is a process, and takes time, but there is always a definitive point when you make the “should I stay or should I go” decision.
In my 40s I moved from Los Angeles to San Francisco to pursue another business opportunity. I sold a condo, I…